Most of us are not factory workers like in old times; we are knowledge workers.

Most of us are not factory workers like in old times; we are knowledge workers.

A few hours ago, I was talking to my mom over the phone, and we were discussing food and habits, mostly mine. I am overweight, and then we both ended up talking about how people were more into physical work in the past, whereas in modern times, many of us work in offices, engaging in tasks that require cognitive exercises.

Men used to work in fields, then factories and now in offices.

This holds true for most people I know. And yet, we eat as if we are digging holes to plant trees. Ironically, I am typing this on my computer while enjoying whiskey (Black Label if you are curious, neat!). Also, I am waiting for my food to be delivered. It is 2:36 AM. This explains my struggle with weight loss and probably yours too!

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