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Yes, it is my landing page.

This website is a little unconventional personal space where I write about a couple of things, despite professional advice to focus on just one subject.

I waited many, many years to become a subject-matter expert, and I achieved that, reaching some good heights in the corporate world. But at the end of the day, I didn’t want to suppress my other interests. To put it simply, I don’t give a rat’s about being an expert in just one thing. The last few years have been bad for my health, and if I drop dead, who gives a damn about my work portfolio only? So why should I?

“If you know how quickly people forget the dead, you will stop living to impress people”

― Christopher Walken

I’m sharing my experiences, opinions, and some of my work here. In my journey, if I can inspire at least one person, it is a success, If not it is also a success. You can navigate the site using menus tags and search.

The purpose of my website is to share my story and on the way helping others.

I want to push you to take bold steps in your life. You’ll reach your ambitions faster than you ever thought possible. Along the way, you’ll uncover a deeper meaning and purpose in what you do. There are different topics I write about, blogs are tags that help in filtering the content you are interested in.

Soon to be 45 yrs old, I’m counting down to retirement, but that doesn’t mean slowing down. I’d rather not have conversations filled with regrets. Life is a series of choices, and I’ve chosen to be a doer. I may not be perfect, but I’m constantly trying and evolving. This also means, I made mistakes, and I have made a lot of them.

Ah! One day or day#1 : Make the choice.

In my world, it’s not about ‘one day’; it’s about making every day. Sometimes a sad day is also a great day. Listen to sad songs and live in the pain body. Get over it, rise and shine for the next day.

A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.

It is difficult to write about me without being worried about sounding like a narcissist. Some people call it “imposter syndrome”. I am not sure. Check out what I have been up to.