Day 26: Better then yesterday

Yesterday was mental mayhem! (Allow me to use an overdramatic word). I was craving food and eventually felt hunger. By 19:30, I was feeling normal, having eaten a nice lunch. Today, I didn’t dare to have extremely low calories. As my cravings and hunger (both are different, as you already know) increased, I also became more focused, so I started reading.
On an another level, it was also a day of clear realizations, and these things need to change. As I was reading, I came across this, and it’s so true: “Because I think once somebody makes a decision, I think that’s really what you’re talking about, like when you say point of no return, it’s like decision—to cut off any other possible option and commit yourself a hundred percent to the future. Once you’ve crossed that threshold, you’re never the same again in life. It’s like everything suddenly in the universe just lines up with everything that you need all of a sudden. Kind of like Neo in the Matrix.”

Well, back to my log of losing weight as I manage my diabetes. My deepest worry is that I will use up all the doses of Ozempic and won’t lose weight. How do I say no to samosas? LoL.

At night, I prepared some spices for today’s lunch. I forgot to take photos of dinner!
