Oh boy, yesterday I said I wouldn’t be taking the sleeping pills (because I don’t want to depend on them, and it’s the weekend, so no work meetings). As a result, I was wide awake, tossing and turning in bed. I managed to sleep for only 20–30 minutes. Finally, after 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning, after a few more restless turns in bed, I did sleep until there was a call from Mum. I wonder if I can sleep half the day, why can’t I sleep half the night?
Today was different, more like a normal day. I was hungry and made myself a big, fat two-in-one egg wrap with some capsicum. I controlled my hunger until evening. I ate some yogurt with spices and a cucumber. I cooked a decent meal for myself and relished it. I controlled the portions. Today, for the first time since I took the Ozempic, I had a desire to drink a beer or two.
It seems the dose needs to be increased; I shall discuss this with my doctor. As I am writing this, my neighbor’s session has started again—nails being hammered and other noises I described in my previous blog. I wonder when I will be out of this place.

I still can eat and drink a beer. But won’t.