Day 28: 5th injection

It was my 5th injection, marking the start of the 5th week. In the morning, I weighed 91.6 kg, which sums to a total loss of 7.4 kg. According to the doctor’s records, I started at 99 kg. This is an impressive number, though there is still a long journey ahead. The good thing about not losing weight too quickly is that it gives my body time to adjust. I had also started walking since yesterday—30 minutes yesterday, 45 minutes today, and tomorrow, I planned for 60 minutes. I am also planning to pull out my dumbbells and barbell (home edition) to lift a few kgs. Since my knees aren’t in a good shape, it is going to be challenging, but not impossible.

Today, I ate Cheella and chai for breakfast. Lunch was very simple, just daal and roti. For dinner, I had yogurt, cucumber, okra, and roti.