42: Injection Day

All good. I injected the dose and am excited for another week ahead. Ate well, went for a walk. Reading and work consume a big part of my day, keeping me busy. Overall, it was a good day, though I felt slightly frustrated. Went to bed around 3:00 AM, which seems to be my new routine. The good thing is, when I’m not sleeping, I’m reading on my iPad and occasionally checking social media.

The book I’m reading is The Game of Life and How to Play It, first published in 1925. I’m not sure if I’ll finish it in one go. I’m on Chapter 2, and it’s repeating the same concept I noted in the first paragraph. Since it’s now a well-known idea (believe it or not, it’s everywhere), let me summarize it: “If you believe it, it will happen.” Have a positive mindset, trust in God, and the rest will follow.

I didn’t lose weight this week.