Day 49: In the Blink of an Eye, It’s Week 7

My morning weight is 88.8 kg. I’m not making any progress, and it’s really starting to bother me. I’m even reconsidering my diet choices. I think I need to cut back on my afternoon meals. Skipping breakfast is still something I’m unsure about since the side effects of my blood pressure medication have been strong enough to make me sit down a few times throughout the day.

Overall, it wasn’t a bad day. I had my evening injection and noticed some mood swings—I’m getting irritated more quickly than usual. As I type this, I realize that anger is the only emotion I’m feeling—no sadness, no excitement, just anger. Before going to bed, I think I’ll need to meditate.

I delayed lunch today, which worked out because I had a 2.5-hour meeting followed by another one that lasted about 30-40 minutes. That helped manage my hunger a bit.