Day 46: Sleeping Pill

I woke up feeling terrible. The lack of sleep left me exhausted. I drank a lot of water and did what I call a self-induced vomit—really helpful when dealing with digestive issues, mostly acid reflux. The instant noodles from early morning were still lingering uncomfortably.

I’m still not fully recovered from being wide awake all night. I took a sleeping pill before bed because I desperately needed rest. At my age, sleep is vital every night. I can no longer function well without proper rest. I remember when I could manage up to three days without sleep—two nights of no sleep and still somewhat functional, though gradually deteriorating until I crashed on the last day. Now, I struggle to function well, even with decent sleep. Turning 45 isn’t a joke.

The good news is that I’m on my way to being in a healthier zone, which is great. My mood was okay, but not the best. I did manage to get an hour of sleep in the afternoon.