Day 2 Reflections: Battling Weakness and Embracing Change

No morning sickness! The routine went well, but I feel weaker and cold. The best way to explain it is that “I am about to fall sick.” feeling.

Last night, I added another layer to my quilt. The AC was off, and the fan was facing another direction behind the curtains, not towards my room.

Right now, I am sitting in my office, feeling like I need to lie down. My stomach feels different, not in pain, but something else that I can sense. Also, I feel like I need a coffee because I am also feeling a little sleepy, maybe from the sleeping pills.

Now, I am wondering if I have a mild fever. That would explain the cold and weakness. I don’t have a thermometer with me right now. Still, no desire to eat breakfast.

Finally, I fetched some blueberries and no-sugar yogurt and made myself a dessert. Nice lunch!

Blueberries aren’t actually blue, right?

I noticed I have been burping a lot, like I just finished a big meal. I don’t know why, but I feel happy that it is happening. I am super excited to see the old me. It feels like I am on the way to a “second chance,” and I won’t mess it up with terrible lifestyle choices.

Do I have a constant feeling of nausea? It’s on and off. Let me explain: when I burp, just a few minutes later, there is a reflex but thankfully without the salty, puke-y taste. There, I said it.

For dinner, I wasn’t happy. I forced myself to eat last night’s leftovers, even though I was craving a simple Daal. I ended up eating 2.5 chicken wraps and one somewhat satisfactory egg wrap.

Wrap with last night Chicken
Wrap with simple egg inside.

I have been drinking Lemonade with soda and lots of water. And today I drank this.

Do you know which tea is this?

See you tomorrow